Hello, neighbours!

The North Park Neighbourhood Association (NPNA) is a non-profit society that plays an active role in improving the quality of life of our downtown neighbourhood. We receive funding support from the City of Victoria as well as other grant funders, and rely on our many wonderful volunteers to get the job done.

Here are a few links to help you navigate this website.

monthly meetings, newsletter & land use committee:

contact us:

events & activities:

projects & placemaking:

resources, reports & maps:

Top 4 ways to get connected, share issues/concerns, and help make our ‘hood even better.

  1. Scroll down to become a member (resident or business) or get on our email list. Members can vote at meetings.
  2. Follow us on Twitter @WeAreNorth Park, Instagram @WeAreNorthPark and Facebook @WeAreNorthPark. Or email us board@npna.ca.
  3. See something in the neighbourhood that needs some attention? Submit a request for service using the City’s online reporting tool. 
  4. We try to have a meeting each month. Get on our email list for meeting notices (scroll down to sign up!) or check out upcoming meeting agendas here.

Membership & Newsletter Sign Up Form

The NPNA sends out a newsletter to our members every other Friday. If you have any questions or would like to share an upcoming event or activity with us to include in the newsletter, please email executivedirector@npna.ca.